I'm going to try to keep the reader updated as to the developments of the Southwest Michigan Decolores Men's fall weekend for 2009.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Just a few positions on the inside team left!

It is so very cool to watch God put this together! Here is the team list as of Monday afternoon:

Rector Andrew Abrams
Co-rector Aaron Mallo
Head Coordinator Harold Davis
Coordinator Floyd Groner
Spiritual Director Den Slattery
Spiritual Director Brad Heiple
SD in training Robert Reed
Head Cha Dennis Soule
Cha Gene Deubner
Cha Rob Hall
Ideal Calvin Travis
Piety Frank Price
Study Frank Struth
Leaders Mike Hetrick
Environment Erick Nelson
CCIA Steve Harmon
Head Cook Harry Carter
Cook Al Floyd
Cook Don Williams
Auxiliary Dan Adams
Auxiliary Mike Baker
Auxiliary Larry Udell
Auxiliary Richard Stinnett
Head Musician Jack Bishop
Musician Al Churchill

Please pray for all of us as we prepare our hearts and minds to minister to the candidates. And please begin to pray for candidates that God may reveal to you.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Finally a theme "The Ransom from Heaven"

Well it finally was revealed to me this afternoon. The theme that is. We've all heard about the young woman who has her entire wedding planned decades prior to having even met a husband prospect. I suspect that some Rectors or Rectoress' have similar experiences. The whole weekend planned far ahead of when they're called; a particular scripture, a favorite song, their "dream team". That wasn't me. I simply told James not to let a weekend pass because no one would come forward; Since I had met the minimum qualifications I would serve if no one else was willing. I expected to wait some time before I was selected. Have a few month or even years to make the plans...........

As I wrote earlier the really cool aspect to me of working a weekend is being able to actually see God work. To be a tool in the Creator's hand. I've begun to see that far before the actual weekend begins. The scripture was revealed to me through a blog that I subscribe to; a pastor named John Fischer writes daily a piece entitled "The Catch of the Day. He sent this out on May 22nd:

"The preposterously Good News
by John Fischer

I have some really good news for everyone today, but it's not just good news; it's preposterously Good News.

"I, the Lord, made you, and will not forget to help you. I have swept away your sins like the morning mists. I have scattered your offenses like the clouds. Oh, return to me, for I have paid the price to set you free." (Isaiah 44:21-22)

Here it is: God forgave us first; then He invites us home.

It could just as easily have been: Return to me and I will forgive your sins. That would have been remarkable enough. But instead, it's: Come home because you've already been forgiven.

This was precisely the case for the prodigal son. He was forgiven before he ever reached the front driveway. That's why his old man was running to meet him. There was no discussion. No lesson. No: "I hope you learned your lesson." He needn't even ask for forgiveness, for it had already been granted.

This is our message to the world: You have already been forgiven, so come home. Christ has already paid the price to set you free. He has removed the barrier between God and us. How can anyone resist so great a love? No wonder Paul calls it Good News. Can you imagine anything better when it comes to God and our sin?

We know we are guilty. Our consciences tell us that. We know the demands of the law. We have the commandments for that, and we aren't doing very well by them. We know that if we mess up in just one thing, we are charged with breaking the whole law. God does not grade on the curve. Instead, He offers us a blanket pardon -- the only thing that could ever save us.

"Oh, return to me, for I have [already] paid the price to set you free."

Preposterous, isn't it?"

I wanted to make sure that his thoughts were transmitted in it's entirety so as to not compromise his messege.
To subscribe go to www.fischtank.com.

This afternoon while singing along with the car stereo the theme song Jesus Messiah by Chris Tomlin the phrase "The ransom from Heaven" leaped out at me. Even though I've sung it dozens of times in the past (and not all that well if you ask anyone next to me while I was singing),

The same has happened with inside team members. I'll go through the listings and a name will jump out at me, so I call and the brother's reply is "sure, what to you want me to do?", I'm getting really encouraged as there are only 10 positions yet to fill.
Thank you Jesus for letting me be a part of this!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The team is coming together

One of the joys that I and probably many of you have during the "weekends " is seeing God work. I've started seeing Him bring the team list together, it has been really encouraging to make a call and have the prospective team member turn into a confirmed team member immediately. The Rector / Rectoress manual states that God will develop the team by prayer and circumstances. We have a little over half of the inside team together and awaiting prayer answers and secretariat decisions to progress on a few key positions.

Our Scripture will be from Isiah 44:22 I have swept away your transgressions like a cloud, and your sins like mist; return to me, for I have redeemed you. In the passages proceeding this one God is reminding Israel of who He is and is not. Israel has been worshiping idols and He is calling them back, similar to what our society bas been facing for the last several decades. Worshiping the gods of wealth, of automobiles, of celebrity, of decadence, of gluttony. He continues to call us back.

Listed below is the team list as far as God has revealed it to me. Please pray for these men as we prepare to minister to the candidates that He has already selected.

Rector Andrew Abrams
Co-rector Aaron Mallo
Head Coordinator Harold Davis
Coordinator Floyd Groner
Spiritual Director Den Slattery
Spiritual Director Brad Heiple
Spiritual Director in training Robert Reed
Head Cha Dennis Soule
Study Frank Struth
Leaders Mike Hetrick
Environment Eric Nelson
Head Cook Harry Carter
Cook Al Floyd
Cook Don Williams
Auxiliary Dan Adams
Auxiliary Mike Baker
Head Musician
Musician Al Churchill